Saturday, July 12, 2014

A Name's Worth

This is my son: Dobby Vincent Valentine. Quite the name for such a small, furry fella but using only one name seemed somewhat disingeniune to the living being I've decided to take care of. A pet is more than an object; it is something you dedicate time and emotion on so calling them something as simple as what we call every day appliances--microwave, vacuum, straightener--seems unfair.

Most people only get to name a handful of living beings and couldnt possibly use all their favorite names! Picking a name for your children, well, thatcould quite possibly one of the hardest choices in your life! 

My husband and I have debated many times what to name our future children. Luckily for me, my husband is letting me get my way for our future daughter's name. It was a name I'd chosen in High School and never had any intention of compromising on: Lilliana Jasmine. 

My mother argues that it is too long of a name to give to a small human. In my eyes, my little human wont always be little. Sure, it may be a somewhat difficult at first but eventually my child will pick it up. 

Its the boy's name we are debating. I told him he could pick the boy's name with the understanding that I can veto names I absolutely cannot agree with. Names such as Lieot, Elric, Zander,  and Kain have been discussed but what can I expect when his best two best friend's children are named Kaladin and Gideon. They are both wonderful names and they are a little different which is exactly what I want for my children's name. However, my child is the one who has to live with it! Therefore, am I morally responsible to take their future opinion into account? Had my parents asked me, 'Heather' is not where that conversation would have ended up. 

However, 'Heather' is not an altogether bad name. In fact, its a respectable name considering its normality! It is not common, nor is it "over used' like such names as 'Sarah', 'Amanda', or 'Jessica'. Once again, these are fine names but you are 5x more likely to run into a Sarah, Amanda or Jessica than you are to the a Heather. 

So I guess my question I morally obligated to take my future child's opinion into consideration when choosint a name or am I allowed to indulge myself and pick a name of my preference?

I guess I won't know until I have children of my own...


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