Experiences Of A New Mother: Hand-Me-Down Advice

Here is will I will post all my words of wisdom and hand-me-down advice that I've learned from other people. This is for any new or even experienced mothers to read and laugh/cry with me. Nothing I share here is anything but personal experience and things I have been told by the people in my life. Also, please feel free to share a few pieces of advice yourself in the comments section, I assure you all advice will be duly appreciated as I am a first time mother.

A little bit of a background . . . 

Aside from helping raise my nieces (first was born in 2004 and the second in 2006), I never really had a mothering bone in my body. I could tolerate children for short periods of time but if they were not related to me by blood--I couldn't stand them for more than a few hours at a time. That was, at least, until my husband and I decided we wanted children. For five years we struggled to have a child. I was diagnosed with poly-cystic ovarian syndrome at the age of 15 and this made getting pregnant very difficult. In September of 2013, I got very sick and found out I also have pseudo-tumor cerebri; long story short, my brain reacts as if I have a tumor and it fills with fluid. I struggled to get this condition under control for a year and ceased all efforts in trying to get pregnant. 

Well you know what they say . . . 

A few months later, I was pregnant and our little bundle of joy was born on July 19, 2015. 

Dante Koda

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