I'm a bit...ranty...today. It's just been one of those days.
On Friday I got into an verbal altercation with my landlord wherein she attempted to intimidate me into thinking she had power over me that she did not, in fact, have. Unfortunately and rather embarrassingly for her, I happen to be knowledgeable of real estate law on account of the fact that I am a law clerk for a Real Estate Law Firm. I did not hesitate to initiate what someone might term my "bitchy" voice--I would rather describe it as my forceful and hyper-polite "teacher" voice--wherein I described, in detail, the many ways in which the situation was handled wrong, the number of ways in which it could have been corrected and exactly how I was going to rectify her mistake on Monday. By the end of the conversation, she agreed on all parts, accepted my wish that she have a good weekend and agreed to see me on Monday. I considered the situation handled and promptly forgot about it after logging it away as a situation to blog about after going on a camping trip which is exactly what I have just done. *swipes invisible tally in the air* Job well done!
My comments on the entire situation is--don't mess with me. Of course, no one would think to mess with another person upon just meeting them. I would love to assume that in this world, no one purposefully messes with another person just to simply mess with another person but unfortunately that isn't how this world works. It's a sad reality. However, if you're going to mess with someone, make sure your threat is a valid one--not a flimsy excuse to intimidate someone--especially if you don't know if that person easily intimidatable! (I'm aware that is not a real world--but it should be! How is edible a word but not intimidatable? Or should it be intimidible? I'm sure there is an English linguist out there who understands the intricacies of the English language who can tell you which suffix properly fits the "a" vowel-root ending.) Anyway!!! I am not an easily intimidatable person. Back me into a corner and I often resort to fighting my way out--you'll find that people who got backed into corners a lot when they were younger either go one of two ways as adults (the "fight-or-flight" response, if you will): 1) continue to get backed into corners; or 2) learn to fight their way out. I learned to fight. Bringing my comments to a close, her attempt at intimidation failed and I have a meeting with her tomorrow and I'm hoping we'll come to an amicable agreement. If not, well I work for a great goddamn real estate attorney. *shrugs*
Next on the list; this has been a pet peeve of mine for a while and I know I can't be the only one so let's just get this subject of debate out there and in the open! Ladies and Gentlemen, BOYS AND GIRLS--Just because you sent me a text message....does not mean I am obligated to send you a message back. If I am sleeping, gaming, talking to someone, using the bathroom or otherwise preoccupied--I may NOT be able to get back to you immediately. I may be cooking, driving, working, and/or watching my favorite TV show...I am not required to text you back right away. In fact, in all honestly, At any given moment of the week, I may be leaving work, driving home, making dinner, going to a friends, taking with said friends, going home, watching a KDrama and then going to bed. All of which require a great deal of attention. As an example, that right there is an average Monday night for me. Bowling is starting soon--Let me describe a typical Wednesday night starting in September: Working, coming home, making my husband dinner, bowling in a signal-deadened bowling alley for 3 hours, going home, hanging with friends until midnight, sleep and then work. *listens to the crickets* No, I may or may not get around to texting you back right away. Please understand. I beg you.
Added to that rant, Yes. I'll say it now for everyone to read. Sometimes, I do open my text messages, read messages, realize it's going to involve several ongoing messages back and forth and I tell myself: "I'll text them later when I can actually talk to them." and simply forget to. This happens to several people. Not just one specific person. It doesn't happen because I hate you. It doesn't happen because I'm a bitch. You all know me, if you know me, then you MUST know that I have a terrible memory and will most undoubtedly have a comically fond memory of me forgetting something that will, even now, make you chuckle and think, "Oh, haha, that girl..." as you smile. So before getting angry at me while staring at your phone while the minutes or hours pass by as your text goes unanswered, send me a text back and say "Hey there busy girl, knock knock?" This message is not for everyone, there are those who do not get angry with me and I hope you know who you are, to those of you who I speak to now, thank you. I appreciate your understanding of the fact that I am, in fact, a very busy woman and I love each and everyone one of you more for understanding me. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you.
Now, if you send me a message once a day and I haven't responded for three weeks--take the hint and stop messaging me. Has that ever, EVER, happened to any of you? Yeah....I didn't think so.
I had a wonderful weekend this past weekend and I came home to reality and it was just like "Really? Really? I couldn't be home more than five hours and this just..." *sigh* Life keeps chugging along and it's nice to get a vacation every once in a while, get out on the lake, catch a few fish, laugh with some family, but damn, does it make coming home so much harder sometimes.
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